The Importance of Soil Moisture Analysis in Permaculture

As mentioned before, soil moisture analysis has become increasingly important in permaculture as it allows for more efficient use of water and electricity, as well as preventing diseases in crops. By monitoring the amount of water present in a certain area of a farm, farmers can apply water only when necessary, reducing water and electricity costs. Additionally, by knowing which areas of the farm retain water more easily or more difficulty, farmers can make better decisions about where to plant and how to manage the farm.

Proper soil moisture levels are crucial for plant formation and high crop yields in permaculture. Water serves not only as a moisture-restoring agent but also as a temperature regulator. Thus, soil moisture depends on factors such as precipitation,
water consumption by plants, and air temperature. Water also plays a crucial role in other aspects of permaculture, such as influencing soil temperature, acting as a solvent and carrier of food nutrients for plants, preventing soil erosion, and preparing fields for planting

Knowing the moisture level is of high importance for yields so that plants will not grow and develop in inadequate conditions. Based on soil moisture data, farmers are better prepared and can better predict the amount of humidity they can expect at different times of the year, allowing them to better plan planting activities, maintenance, spraying of agrochemicals or fertilisers, and harvesting.

Soil moisture data is commonly obtained through the selection and analysis of soil samples in the field or the laboratory. However, with the installation of a soil moisture system, the measurements and monitoring of soil conditions in the monitored area can be easily obtained. This facilitates the measurements and follow-up of soil conditions, making the process more efficient and accurate.