
The pluviometer is a sensor that is used to measure the volume of precipitation, such as rain or snow. This sensor can provide important information about irrigation histories, which can be used to make more informed decisions about irrigation. By measuring the volume of precipitation, farmers can determine if the amount of rain is sufficient or if additional irrigation is necessary.

The pluviometer typically consists of a collection container, such as a funnel, which collects the precipitation, and a sensor that measures the volume of precipitation that has been collected. The sensor can be connected to a data logger or other electronic
device that can store and analyse the data.

The use of a pluviometer in permaculture can greatly improve the efficiency and sustainability of agricultural systems. By measuring the volume of precipitation, farmers can make more informed decisions about irrigation, reducing water waste and
increasing crop productivity.

Additionally, the data collected by the pluviometer can be used to predict future precipitation levels and make more accurate irrigation schedules. Hence, the pluviometer plays a vital role in the monitoring of weather patterns, as it can detect changes in precipitation levels that may indicate the presence of extreme weather conditions, such as droughts or floods. By using a pluviometer, farmers can identify and promptly address potential issues, which can help to minimise damage to crops and
prepare for future weather patterns.