Impact of traditional agricultural practices on climate change

As the world’s population increases, the demand for food is growing at an accelerated rate. To meet the demand for food, agriculture has had to evolve in recent decades. Therefore, traditional agriculture has gradually changed until it has become modern agriculture. Traditional agriculture can be defined as a primitive style of food production and farming that involves the intensive use of indigenous knowledge, land use, traditional tools, natural resources, organic fertilizer and the cultural beliefs of the farmers.

Traditional agriculture is characterised by very low use of technology, making its largescale production unproductive. It can be said that the strategies of traditional agriculture are based on ecology and nature as well as polycultures that provide different types of food for their consumption. In this case, this type of agriculture is not so focused on trade. The production here is solely for the consumption of the farmer and those who cultivate the land. Traditional agriculture is a very basic activity on which most of the physical capacity of the farmer and his workers depends for its production.

Roughly 30% of greenhouse gas emissions come from the agriculture food value chain. There are so many essential elements to this value chain, it is complicated, and it is different in various parts of the world, but it all must work as a system, to deliver the
food needed all over the world, to a growing population. But, at the same time, do it in a way that not only protects our planet but makes the planet better. It must be farmers, working together with industry, food companies, retailers, government regulators, and NGOs, coming together with different ideas on how we solve this.