Advantages of Using an Irrigation System

For crops to grow and develop properly, it is essential to provide them with the necessary water to carry out photosynthesis. Automating this process is the main advantage that an automated irrigation system can offer.

An automated irrigation system promotes more efficiency in applying water across the land, ensuring adequate irrigation and avoiding wasting resources and unnecessary expenses. It also reduces the need for manual labour by automating the task, allowing for more accurate irrigation schedules and times.

Furthermore, it enables irrigation to be done overnight without the need for constant monitoring and it can also be used in the driest places and the driest seasons. Introducing an automatic irrigation system is highly relevant for farms as it allows for
the automation of irrigation intelligently and practically. Such systems can be easily created using an Arduino microcontroller, which enables the programming of the amount of water needed for a plantation and the frequency of irrigation, thus saving
time and reducing dependency on rainfall

By automating the irrigation process, farmers can be sure that their crops are receiving the right amount of water at the right time, which can greatly improve crop yields and the efficiency of the farm. With the ability to monitor water usage, farmers can make
more informed decisions about irrigation and water management, leading to more sustainable and profitable agricultural operations. Thus, an automated irrigation system can also be integrated with other sensors such as soil moisture sensors,
temperature sensors, pH sensors, etc to provide more accurate irrigation and reduce water usage. The integration of these systems can greatly improve the precision and efficiency of irrigation and maximise crop yields while promoting sustainable
agriculture practices.